A shooter by Riot Games, Valorant, has been officially launched on the second of June 2020. Lower is detailed information on its gameplay, game modes, and upcoming upgrades.
In terms of consoles, currently, the new launch of Riot Games is available just on PC. However, there is information that the developers are currently working on extending the range. But there are some understandable concerns that the gameplay of Valorant may not be fully suitable for console gaming. It should be noted that Valorant is an entirely free online game. However, you can still purchase some additional in-game items.
When it comes to the gameplay, Valorant is often compared to the well-known Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. First and foremost, the new Riot Games launch, Valorant, is a 5v5 tactical shooter. Every match includes up to twenty-five matches, while the team that is the first to get thirteen victories wins. Each match starts with picking a character armed with various signature skills, known as an Agent. Each of them is characterized by their own pack of abilities. Overall, players can choose from eleven agents to pick in Valorant.
Let’s take a closer look at the gameplay. The game starts with a player choosing the characters. Changing these characters is impossible until the end of the match. In the main mode, one of the teams’ tasks is to attack, while another team’s task is to defend. The goal of the team that attacks is to hide a spike, some kind of a bomb, and to make sure it explodes. There are several ways how each round can end. The spike may explode, another one can fully eliminate one of the teams, the defending team may defuse the spike. The game is considered won when a team wins in thirteen rounds. The approximate length of the gameplay in the described mode is thirty to forty minutes.
Another game mode is known as Spike Rush. The Spike Rush mode was presented in Patch 1.0. The release of this patch was in June, at the same with Valorant itself. A team needs to get only four rounds out of seven won to become a winner. Another difference is that in the Spike Rush, every attacking team member has a bomb to plant. Also, the weapon is chosen randomly, and it is the same for each of the teams. What is more, there are five additional power-up orbs – collectible items, which enhance or add abilities. These include a wide range of upgrades for various parameters, from Health to Deception. This mode is not as long as the main one: it is only around ten minutes.
At the beginning of June 2020, soon after the launch of the game, the developers introduced Patch 1.01. Spike Rush mode was further upgraded by adding three new orbs: Health, Deception, and Golden Gun. In mid-June 2020, took place the introduction of Patch 1.02. It brought with it some updates for the characters. These updates were numerous. For instance, Viper became much more powerful and got the enhancement of such abilities as Snake Bite and Toxic Screen. Snake Bite is now characterized by a new mechanic called Fragile. Its main feature is that it increases the damage for the character under attack. Toxic Screen upgrade includes the brand-new possibility to be used even through the walls. Blade Storm by Jett and Soul Orb by Reyna is also characterized by some upgrades. At the end of June, there was the introduction of the ranked mode. Radiant, the new name of the game’s top rank, was added. Also, among newly added features were updates of rank iconography and badges. And, of course, it included some bug fixes.