1. The Road Warriors/Legion of Doom

The Road Warriors (or Legion of Doom) reach probably the most iconic tag team of all time in pro wrestling. They have become WWE Tag Team Champions twice and PWI Tag Team of the Year four times! They were the major force in the tag division in several federations. Their original and harsh finisher called the Doomsday Device revolutionized the way teams viewed tandem offense. Fans were fascinated with The Road Warriors’ intense promos, remarkable physiques, and skilled managers Paul Ellering and Sunny.
2. Edge & Christian

The background of these great competitors is what made this tag team so famous. Edge and Christian have been lifetime best friends, and then they broke into the WWE at approximately the same moment as a part of Gangrel’s Brood. The team would ultimately forget their vampire roots and create one of the most decorated tag teams in the whole history of sports-entertainment.
You could love or hate Edge and Christian, but you ended up cheering for them anyway. Their funny “five-second poses” and powerful Con-Chair-To’s led to some iconic moments. They eventually broke up and had two excellent singles’ careers.
3. The Dudley Boyz

Few tag teams in the whole history of this sport have won more gold than the Dudley Boyz. Bubba Ray and D’Von Dudley were prevailing during the early ’90s and 2000s, winning 18 tag team championships during their joint tenure between ECW and WWE. The trademarked 3D (Dudley Death Drop) stands in one row with the most remarkable finishing maneuvers in pro wrestling of that time. They were very hard-hitting and unapologetic – the perfect combo in ECW.
4. The Hart Foundation

Don’t let the colorful wrestling gear and hearts everywhere on their attire fool you: the Hart Foundation was a hard-headed tag team famous for the excellent in-ring performance. Bret Hart is unquestionably one of the most prominent wrestling stars we’ve seen. His offensive creativity and accuracy made him a real leader in the WWE for a decade. His partner Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart was a fine addition to The Hitman’s professional style. The group finally added new members: Bret’s brother Owen Hart, as well as The British Bulldog and Brian Pillman. And it became possible thanks to the original duo.
5. The Hardy Boyz

First used as jobbers in the WWE, brothers Matt and Jeff Hardy grew from obscurity to be a top act in the company. The two high flyers amazed the vast audiences using their crazy tendencies and childish charm. The Hardy Boyz weren’t scared to risk injuries to please the fans, and the audiences loved that mentality.
Together with the Dudley Boyz and Edge and Christian, the Hardys assisted in creating the “TLC” match with their shows during the SummerSlam 2000 and WrestleMania X-Seven. They’ve been champion solo stars, and have changed their image multiple times over the course of their careers. Matt and Jeff are still performing now as a part of WWE’s Monday Night Raw.
6. The Rock ‘n’ Roll Express

The Rock ‘n’ Roll Express were the top tag team in the South in the 80s. The participants, Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson made an excellent tandem, full of charm and talent. First put together thanks to Jerry “The King” Lawler, the team got a lot of steam in the Mid-South, after which they joined Jim Crockett Promotions (it then became WCW). Morton and Gibson won the NWA World Tag Team Championship four times. They were one of the first tag teams in wrestling that brought the division new achievements and fame with their great athleticism and chemistry.
7. The Outsiders

The Outsiders (Kevin Nash and Scott Hall aka Diesel and Razor Ramon) were fighting for the WWE through the mid-1990s. In 1996, they both left for the WCW – establishing a kind of “invasion”. This helped start what would then be known as the Monday Night Wars. The Outsiders started using their actual names and formed a habit of erasing the visible lines between reality and fiction.
8. The Midnight Express

Even though they frequently changed the team members, The Midnight Express ruled in tag team wrestling for a long time, well over a decade. The team’s in-ring performance was extraordinary – especially together with Bobby Eaton and Dennis Condrey. They also worked with one of the best managers, Jim Cornette. Their battle against The Rock ‘n’ Roll Express is truly iconic because of the memorable matches that withstood the test of time.