Follow these techniques, and your results will be excellent without any equipment!
Do you still think that you can only work out in a gym because you don’t have all this equipment at home? Well, as you’ve probably guessed, having read the heading, I’m about to prove you wrong. All you need really is just your bodyweight and willingness to become healthier! This is wonderful, especially due to the need to stay at home as much as possible to be safe because of the coronavirus pandemic.
And such exercises are more diverse and exciting than you might think, so read on and then put the knowledge you got into practice!
You should do every movement from the instructions below in one of three variants:
- 30 seconds of exercise, 30 seconds of resting
- 40 seconds of exercise, 20 seconds of resting
- 50 seconds of exercise, 10 seconds of resting
When you’re done, rest for one minute; this will complete one circuit, you should do 3-5 circuits in total.
Duck walk with standing
Stand up straight; your feet should be hip-width apart. Send the hips back to do a squat, bend your knees. Do this until your thighs become somewhat parallel to the ground.
Don’t change this position; move your right foot forward, next step with your left foot, too. Then stand up.
Do another squat like before, but now make a step back with your left foot, then by the right one. This way, you’ll return to the place where you started the exercise. Stand.
Somewhere in the middle of doing this exercise, change your leading foot to make sure that you train both of your legs equally.
Runner’s lunge & balancing
Stand up straight; your feet should be hip-width apart.
Step back with your left foot first, then drop down into a low lunge – you’ll have to bend the right knee to do so – then drop your chest close to the floor to touch the floor with your left fingertips. At this moment, your left leg has to be extended or slightly bent, but not to 90 degrees.
From the previous step’s position, lift the left foot – you’ll be standing on the right leg and maintaining balance while your other knee is at the height of your hip.
Keep the balance for just a second; next, return your left foot in the low lunge position.
Go on doing the exercise alternating the sides.
You’ll start in high plank this time. The hands should be below your shoulders, while the legs are extended, and the core is engaged.
Strain the core even more to push the right knee closer to your chest.
Come back to the initial position and quickly repeat the motion of bringing your left leg, this time, forward.
Proceed to change legs and move fast.
Begin in the same position of a high plank. Again, your wrists should be right below the shoulders; the core has to be engaged.
Raise the right hand together with your left foot just several inches above the ground. Then turn the left foot under your body and across. Your body will rotate naturally. From there, touch your left toes with your fingers.
Come back to the initial position (high plank) and do the same exercise for the other side of your body.
Toe Touch Crunch
Lie down on your back and extend your legs up in the ceiling’s direction; your feet should be flexed at this moment.
Lift the upper part of your body, and touch the left flexed foot with your fingers. Use your core muscles and make sure that your lower back is staying on the floor all the time. You shouldn’t lift the hips, only shoulders, and upper back.
Go back to the initial position, and do the same on the other side.
Skater Hop
Stand up straight; your feet should be hip-width apart. Raise the right foot off the floor, then jump to the right. The left leg will naturally straighten and follow the right leg.
Once your right foot reaches the floor, swing the left one behind, but it shouldn’t touch the ground. Make swinging motions with the left hand in front of you, and the right one behind the back to make the exercise more effective.
Then jump to the left without the right foot touching the floor. Keep helping yourself with the swinging motions of your arms.
Proceed alternating sides.