Of course, sport is very serious and important for many fans. However, seriousness doesn’t change the fact of uncomfortable and awkward situations. You know, if you take a photo at the right moment, you can see a lot of funny poses and situations like a very stupid facial expression or a hand on someone’s butt, and this is only the most harmless for your eyes of what can be. Do you know what else seems to be really good? That the cheerleaders have shorts under the skirt, and how many awkward photos of that kind have already been taken! In any case, no matter how serious you are about sports, these shots will undoubtedly surprise and amuse you. Here are 23 awkward sports moments! Come on!
1. When there are less exposed parts of the body than the time left until the end of the match

2. In general, personal space has “indestructible” boundaries. Especially during sporting events.

3. When in order to win, you don’t hesitate to go over the heads (more precisely, over the faces)!

4. This guy seems to train only one hand.

5. Did you know that noses are very flexible? We also didn’t know that they could do this that much.

6. I still can’t figure out what’s going on in this photo, but it’s creepy. In general, it could be a scene from a horror movie.

7. With this shot, it is not entirely clear as the two men in front are clearly ignoring the girl, and the one sitting behind is smiling broadly.

8. Strong hugs are a guarantee of a good mood and a cool face expression!

9. Oh no, we witnessed how one player absorbs another player!

10. Nature jokes or genetic engineering? For the first time, a player with a ball instead of a head was on the field!

11. I don’t even want to comment here, think of the title yourself.

12. If your party isn’t like this, then don’t even invite me!

13. Urgent medical examination right in the middle of the match.

14. A moment of romance!

15. Smelly armpits are a great weapon to win! It seems the opponent has fallen into a coma!

16. Three isn’t a crowd!

17. The force of gravity? The laws of physics? No, these guys are just liquid!

18. Headshot from the mascot!

19. If you feel sick, you need to put something warm on your nose!

20. Bro, seriously? Did you get a facelift?

21. When you want to be a child and run around in panties in a chamomile field.

22. I think I even hear this sound!

23. Hunger leaves you little choice!